Well I have no newgrounds news to share with you all so I'll tell you about my news that you all care about, YAY!
I went to my first concert yesterday which featured Agenist All Authority, Streetlight Manifesto, Reel Big Fish, and Les than Jake. Now in this concert I was smart, I got up to the bar early and never gave it up. No one was in front of my and I was just a few feet away from the stage. Great thing for a first concert.
AAA- They were the starter band for good ressone. You couldn't hear one word they were saying so insted of a ska band, it sounded like a punk band with a few randome trumpets thrown in. Now the only fun part about this band was the mosh pit. Now I didn't give up my spot but I just turned around and pushed people that got near to me. I can't really say anything about them because they sucked.
Streetlight Manifesto- They started with this great cover of "The Ants of Marching in", it blew my mind. For 45 minutes they gave an awsome concert. They played most of there hits, If We are to Rise Again, Kesbe Nights, ect. And played a song from they're new album that is gonna be great. The entire segment was awsome, I just wish they had a better stage show.
Reel Big Fish- Right when they got on everyone went crazy and they srated right off the back with Trendy. I dunno if you guys know about the RBF but they are so goofy on stage, esspisally John and Dan. They played all of they're hits, She Has a Girlfriend Now, Suberban Rytham (the many vertions of), Take on Me, and of course Sell out. Now the RBF has hunderids of great songs so it would be impossable to play everything in the hour that they had.
Less Than Jake- Sucks so I left before they started
After I left I cought the RBF in the parking lot and
noice waurk mawety