First off I know I can't spell, now on to more important bussiness. I have been working on my newest animation for a few eeks be recently I havn't found any idea why to continue. It looks great so far but everyday I work less and less on it. I havn't even touched it for in the last two days. I can't find the motovation to start getting into it again.
I was wondering if any of you more experienct artists could give me some tips to help me finish this or just give me help on it. If people even care that I'm working on somthing I may put up some screen shots or maybe a demo of the first scene (don't I sound important). So please help this poor widdle flash artist finish his best flash so far (which isn't saying much). It would also be very apresheated if you guys could review some of my stuff to help me improve. If it's one thing I like about newgrounds the most is the critisisum that they give you... and don't give you somtimes. So again watch some of my stuff or just give me a few kind words to help me get motovated for my flash... wait, I'M ASKING NEWGROUNDS TO DO SOMTHING!? I'm screwed.
Watch movies by Orange Clock. They are inspiring.